business school for planners

Transform your event planning business with expert hands-on coaching, stay accountable to your money goals, and increase the earning potential of your business

Business School for Event planners

Transform your event planning business with expert hands-on coaching, stay accountable to your money goals, and increase the earning potential of your business

Event planners

Are you ready to take your event planning business to the next level?

Tired of struggling with marketing and ready to grow your business to the heights you know it’s capable of?

Are you fond of gathering business tips but never really take action on them?

Would you like to supercharge your brand by mastering the art of clientele expansion, funnel building and digital marketing?


Practical work

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hands-on coaching

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action over information

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event business school

The springboard you need to catapult your event business, boost your profitability and take charge of your success

A 10 weeks hands-on workshop designed specifically for event planners who want to multiply their income and are ready to put in the work, get accountability where needed to ensure they are primed for success at the end of the workshop.

It is an ACTION over INFORMATION kind of program where the curriculum is streamlined to help you take action as against getting overwhelmed on knowledge.

You’ll be empowered with tech skills, knowledge & confidence to take your event planning business to new heights, equipped to attract high-paying clients, command premium prices and streamline your operations.

My major goal of joining EBS was to learn how to market my service and reach my target audience but.. I learnt so much more than that! From the coaching sessions to the intensive classes, accountability partner and the templates shared- EBS is a total package!  I am proud of the me that stepped out of the program and super thankful for Coach D!

Planners Hack

Precious 🇳🇬

Zirconia events

This program is for you if :

There is no better time to start than now!

What's in EBS?

Pratical work

It’s ACTION over INFORMATION in EBS. You’d not be overwhelmed with information, you’d rather be guided into taking action to create every single thing your business needs to thrive.

Hands-on coaching

You’d get support, accountability, coaching & feedback. Build meaningful relationships that advance your business with diverse, likeminded individuals on the same journey.

Tools & Resources​

Playbooks to help you succeed with your business; including cheatsheets, toolkits, plug-play templates, and recommended resources.

Module 01- Crystal Clear Visioning

Module 02- Synergy Building

memories from


EBS 1.0 and 2.0 was super-amazing. EBS 3.0 will exceed every expectation and we look forward to having you join us in the 10-week long program starting 16th September 2024.

I'll show you how

I must that I was surprised at how organized the program was. It is obviously well planned and super detailed. I’ve never been to an online business school that was that catalytic. I felt motivated to do things I had been procrastinating for years. And seeing the rewards of showing up has been truly satisfying. I am so thankful!

SuSAN 🇬🇭

Planners Hack

Suzzie bakes Gh

How EBS works

Curriculum based

The program outline, live/recorded classes, coaching calls, graded assignments and 24/7 accountability are part of a proven curriculum that works.

Zero overwhelm

With easy-to-follow tasks, done-for-you templates and thoughtful worksheets, the program is structured in way that helps you stay committed without getting overwhelmed.

Learn anywhere

The entire program is virtual/online. LIVE classes are via zoom and everything basically online and so can be done at the comfort of your home in your Pyjamas.


the program comes with a certification but students can decide to have a graduation ceremony or NOT. Certificates are issued either way.

The Cynthia that came into EBS was someone on the quest to structure her business but was clueless about it. After EBS, there are major improvements in every part of my business, I now know how to market my business through social media marketing, email marketing and even words of mouth, I have created a structured business and onboarding process that can make my business run in my absence. EBS is golden and worth more than I paid for!

Planners Hack

Cynthia 🇳🇬

Polkadot Events




Interested in a payment plan?


Got Questions? I've got answers

The next cohort of EBS is scheduled to start 16th of September, 2024.

It’s a completely online program for 10 weeks. It is however rigorous and will require full commitment. So ensure you have space in your schedule for that 10 weeks before registering.

After you make payments, you’d be redirected to a questionnaire where you’d give us details about your business. After you submit this, you’d get a guide that prepares you for the program.

No, EBS is for event planners who already know how to do the job- but are stuck at structuring their business, showing up online and attracting their ideal clients. It is for event planners who want to learn the art of irresistible marketing to sky-rocket their event income. The goal of EBS is help event planners make more money.

If you’re just getting started, head over here for our Intensive Event Planning Course

Shoot them to our email ( and we’d respond to you ASAP.

meet your coach

Hi, I am Dami! 

I started planning events straight out of uni after planning my own wedding and for the first 2 years, I had so much fun curating happy moments for my clients. The only issue ? My account balance wasn’t balancing.

And it became apparent that I either needed to get a real job or get something right, very fast. The later happened and it turned out that being good at planning events has little to do with profit making if I wasn’t learning & leveraging the business side of things.

Today, my planning business is thriving because I finally figured out marketing and a 100 other things they don’t teach in event planning trainings.

Haven helped thousand of events planners online through Planners Hack, my instagram community for event planners, I launched EVENT BUSINESS SCHOOL PROGRAM in April 2023 with the sole purpose coaching event planners into becoming bad-ass marketing entrepreneurs who not only set profit goals but consistently reach and surpass it.  

EBS 1.0 and 2.0 was super-amazing. EBS 3.0 will exceed every expectation and we look forward to having you join us in the 10-week long program starting 16th September 2024.

event planner writing


“I came into EBS lacking structure in my business because I had been procrastinating it for years but I left EBS with simplified and transferable process that culminated in formidable business structure. The templates and recommended tools saved time, energy, and upgraded my business completely. There’s something special about getting coached by  someone who knows their onion. Dami knows her onion and her work has shaped my work. EBS met my expectations and exceeded it!”

Planners Hack


bedazzled EVENTS

EBS is the best thing that can happen to any event planner. The value outweighs the fee. My expectations were met and even beyond. It’s like you paid for something and you were given jara (extra) on top of jara (extra). Like You bought Bread and you were given Nutella as a bonus along side a chilled drink. I gained 2 new sisters I am forever grateful for, my business structure makes me glad and moneymatics has taken a different turn.

Planners Hack

Dami 🇳🇬

Pro-360 Events

”EBS is one of 2023 best decisions- it helped me maximize my digital footprints and show up online confidently. I have become the woman on my vision board and honestly, I am proud. From the assignments, to the templates, scenario-based discussion and impactful facilitators – EBS was a 10/10 minus nothing. A transformational experience, I left the program thoroughly satisfied and grateful!”

Planners Hack

boluwatife 🇳🇬


”From module one to six- learning about social currency, emotional marketing and the magic of storytelling- everything was a hit. Before EBS, I lacked confidence, but thanks to the extensive teaching and coaching in EBS, knowing the job has definitely raised my confidence. I am genuinely proud of my growth and immensely grateful for the day I enrolled in the Event Business School”

Planners Hack



It's Your Turn

Event Planners' Audit

Here is your chance to download PLANDIT™,  The Ultimate Event Planners Audit guide for FREE so you can confidently audit your business, strategically modify your process and exponentially grow your business. 

Download NOW!

Event Planner Guide
Planners Hack

How to craft creative online promotions that gain attention!

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