Planners Hack


Event Business School: Interview with Boluwatife Dosunmu of GRE Events

(Top 3 Tribe Members from Event Business School 1.0)

By Planners Hack

The Event Business School 1.0 by Planners Hack – a 6-week business strategy and accountability group for event planners recently completed and I must say it was amazing!

We had 17 event planners in the program, Boluwatife of Good Repute Events being one of them.

After 6 whole weeks of intensive training, strategy and coaching sessions, we’re pleased to present Boluwatife of Good Repute Events as the CLASS ERUDITE i.e best graduating student of the Event Business School 1.0.

Today, we’d be delving into Boluwatife’s experience in the Event Business School; her highs, lows and most importantly things she wished she knew before joining the program.

You’d get to read her experience, see behind the hurray as she takes you behind the scene. Let’s dive right in!

“I am fully in the driver’s seat of my business and I love the version of me that stepped out of the Event Business School”

Q: Hello! Can we meet you ?

A: Hello. My name is Boluwatife Dosunmu of Good Repute Events (GREvents). I’ve been in business fully for 3 years now.

Q: Describe the woman that came into EBS and the woman stepping out.

A: The woman that came into EBS was uncertain, limited, averagely experienced, less resilient, settled and complacent. But the new me is:

  • Experienced: I now have more knowledge and skill in various areas.
  • Super Confident: my increased abilities and accomplishments all through EBS have boosted my confidence in myself and my brand.
  • Open-minded: My new self is more receptive to new ideas, perspectives, and opportunities.
  • Motivated: The training has fueled my motivation to take on challenges and pursue my goals.
  • Adaptable: I have developed a greater ability to adapt to different situations and handle change.
  • More Knowledgeable: My increased expertise allows me to tackle tasks with greater understanding.
  • More Resilient: My newfound skills and confidence makes me better equipped to face and overcome obstacles.
  • Focused: I now have a clearer vision of my goals and how to achieve them.
  • Empowered: My growth and development have empowered me to take charge of my business.
  • Proactive: My new self is more proactive in seeking opportunities for learning and improvement. I am fully in the driver’s seat of my business and I love the version of me that stepped out of EBS!

whoop! we love this new you too!

Q: How has being in EBS made you a better planner to prospective clients?

A: With my increased expertise, dedication, and passion, their events are in the hands of someone who knows how to create memorable and seamless experiences. My ability to craft unique and tailored events will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact, making my clients feel truly lucky to have me as their event planner.

Picture this: Your event planned by someone who not only understand the intricate logistics but also crafts experiences that resonate with your vision. You’ll have a friend (that’s what I always become to my clients after planning their events) who’s dedicated to making your event stand out and leave an indelible mark on your guests. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!

With a wealth of knowledge and a passion for perfection, your event is guaranteed to be in exceptional hands. Reach out now to secure your spot on the calendar and give your event the attention it truly deserves. Your lucky streak starts here!

Q: What are the things you have been procrastinating but being in EBS has helped you take action?

A: Putting my face out there, posting relatable contents on my page, showing the BTS (behind the scenes of my events), speaking so much about what I do and carrying my business on my head. These are the things that EBS has pushed me to do!

Q: Why was it important for you to join EBS?

A: I was in a very busy season and I had said I wouldn’t join but after a particular masterclass where Coach D read out the course outline, I knew immediately that I needed the class and signed up for it right after. I then made a commitment to myself to put in my very best because whatever is worth doing at all is what doing well – I posted it on my personal and business pages on Instagram. You can go there to catch all the gist.

Super well done to you!

Q: While working on the lead magnet what were your major highlights?

A: The major highlights were the thoughts of what the lead magnet could do: Value proposition, relevance, solving a problem and also working on it to make it relatable and visually appealing. I think what I have now meets all these requirements and I can’t wait to push it out!

Q: How did you feel showing up on your first Instagram LIVE?

This is one of my new found strength as I have done another IG live after the one we were all asked to do in class. I actually went live with an open mind and just allowed the words flow and it was a great experience for me. I look forward to channeling some energy into doing more Instagram LIVES. Stay tuned for that.

yay! this is a huge win!

“EBS enhanced my creativity and propelled me to take action!”

Q: In EBS, we had an assignment of writing 750 words daily. How did this help you?

A: 750 words became a good tool for me. I noticed improvement in my writing skills, enhanced creativity, clarity of thoughts, confidence, self reflection, effective communication, stress relief, documentation of progress and personal growth. I have taken journaling more serious after EBS.

Q: What difference have noticed from optimizing your page ? If you were a visitor to your page, would you find it captivating enough to stay?

A: After optimizing my page, I can boldly say that all that was said which includes: creating a cohesive and engaging experience that resonates with your target audience, encourages interaction, and effectively communicates your brand’s identity and offerings is totally true.

My friends and colleagues have been hyping have been hyping me about the work I’ve put in. If I were a visitor, yes I would stay, save and share some of the tips on the page also. (You can check out my Instagram page).

Q: What key things did you learn from the Marketing Module? If you have implemented some, what has been your experience so far?

A: I was actually so glad and pumped the marketing class and I got more than I bargained for. It’s a great deal to Maximize one’s digital footprints as we’ve been taught. I actually like what I was able to do with Medium, Linktree, LinkedIn, and Google my business. It is a good feeling to know that when clients search for me, all my details are carefully put out there and everything tallies!

Q: Of all the templates shared, which have you found to be a DIAMOND?

A: The templates are actually the icing on the cake, having worked with Coach D on a number of projects and seen how she is with documents and designs, it’s been a blessing to actually have as much templates as possible which you can move around and customize to suit your client’s style and wants as the case may be. The Package and invoice templates have me grinning from ear to ear whenever I’m using it.

Q: I believe you came into EBS with expectations ? Were they met ?

A: Yes, Coach D over delivered on this cohort and I’m imagining what the next cohorts would enjoy already. I actually got everything I wanted from the worksheets, to the class work, to the assignments, and then the templates, scenarios based discussions and our facilitators – EBS was the bomb! The best gift to myself this year.

Q: As a senior EBS tribe, what advise would you give to the next set of EBS tribe?

A: Come with an open mind, free your calendar as much as you can and be at your best for the school. Be ready to put in all the work immediately as you are been taught so the fire can spread even after the school. Don’t procrastinate. Don’t allow laziness overwhelm you. You can do it!

Q: Any final words?

The Event Business School is an ACTION GROUND! I’m so thankful to have been part of the very first set. A Huge Thank you to Coach D for not holding back, for giving more than expected and for holding my hand and leading me on this journey. I’m going to make EBS proud!

From The EBS Team

Boluwatife emerged as the Erudite (Best graduating Student) of the Event Business School Cohort 1.0 and we are very proud! Bolu’s commitment to things needs to be studied!

She was a JOY to everyone in the cohort including her colleagues and we pronounce her a certified SAVVY PLANNER! Huge Congratulations Boluwatife!

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